Left On The Shelf? What To Do If Your Property Won’t Budge

Oh the anguish of a home that just won’t sell! What you must remember is that it’s not you, it’s your house.

Recent evidence on selling your home shows that a mere 50% of properties that have graced the property pages are actually selling. If you’re selling with us, however, Davies & Davies achieve 98% of the asking price and a whopping 86.5% of our properties sell. Ahem. So if your property has been idly languishing on the market for too long, lounging about the listing pages and leaving crumbs in the drop-down filters, it’s time to bring the big boys in. That’s us!

Your local property experts can help identify the main reasons that lazy abode is loitering and kick it into shape before you find it hanging out in the rentals section. We’ll dust its shoulders off, sharpen its curtain ties and get that pad ready to work on the market. Let’s get that property going, going, sold!

Illustration of a man outside a house with the for sale sign who is having difficulty selling your home.


It’s in with the wrong (estate agent) crowd

Oh dear. You’ve happened upon some dodgy looking numbers in your property’s house phone and feared the worst. More snooping reveals it has indeed been fraternising with less than savoury company and got involved with a deadbeat agent. All is not lost! In order to secure the best estate agent for your property, cheap does not translate to cheerful. Investigate local papers and property listings to find out which agents are selling in your area and price range. Ask for proof of sales if you invite them for an appraisal and be sure to see three different agents for a presentation of their marketing plan.

Make sure to ask what action will be taken if there are no sales in the first month, then get proof of recent sales like yours and check their current portfolio in your area. If they’re worth their salt (like us), then they’ll be more than happy to comply. Et voila! You’ll have found the best agent for selling your home. A match made in heaven, with no more toxic hangers on!

It has really let itself go

Crikey, Keith, that porch has seen better days. Not to mention that crumbling cornicing. No wonder its getting little interest past the front door – we’d body swerve that mouldy hallway too. While it can be easy to grow accustomed to the mess and the dust that accumulates through the drudgery of our daily existence, prospective buyers are (remarkably) looking for an aspirational new beginning. So whip out the dusters! Ring out the mop! Throw on some Lizzo and get spring cleaning.

If it’s all feeling a little cluttered, try a temporary fix with a space-rich friend and avoid paying through the nose for a storage facility. Don’t forget those DIY jobs you’ve been avoiding while you’re here – one sweaty weekend will do it, while a quick shift of those unsightly wheelie bins and a reverse of your car will give your property it’s well deserved pavement appeal when it comes to selling your home.

It doesn’t know its own worth

When your property looks in the mirror it sees a seven-bed manse in South Ken. That’s right, its not actually underselling itself for a change. Most properties are aiming high in the pricing game and in this instance, it’s not doing any of us any favours. Competitive pricing is key when it comes to selling. First and foremost, research comparable abodes in your area online to get an idea of the marketing prices. Then, adjust your price accordingly – remembering that sale prices are typically 5% lower than marketing prices. It’s always better to price your home correctly from the start, to avoid the inevitable walk of shame down the scale later. Potential buyers can be put off by a house that has been on the market for a long time and reduced in price; they may suspect some underlying flaw with the property. Get cunning – if you know that your neighbours are selling up, try setting your price slightly lower to attract buyers’ attention. You’ll soon find a buyer who is willing to pay what you believe your home is truly worth.

It makes a bad first impression

How embarrassing. You’ve got yourself all primped and preened to greet the masses of property viewers, but no-one’s showed up. Turns out your residence has been making a mockery of itself online, practically cancelling itself with a series of questionable photos and a horror show of descriptions. Always remember that the very first thing a potential buyer sees is a mere thumbnail of your should-be-fabulous pad. If the lighting is off, and the angles all skewed – no-one’s going to be clicking to find out if the photos “get any better”. Don’t be afraid to flag up any poor photography with your agents and do ask them to remove that harrowing toilet bowl closeup for Pete’s sake. Nobody is that interested in ceramics….

It’s bad at communicating (with us)

On that note, don’t be nervous to speak to your estate agent about anything else to do with your property sale either. That’s exactly what we’re here for, and we absolutely love what we do. As property nerds, we’re more than happy to discuss the finer details of your real estate journey and it’s in our best interest to get you the best deal don’t forget. For example, by looking at the number of viewings your property has had online in comparison with in-person bookings, we can work out whether it’s the price or the presentation of the property itself that needs tinkering with. We can also give you feedback on each viewing so we can pinpoint any issues and get that pad off the shelf once and for all!



Please note that all content contained within our website is for informational purposes only. You should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. All Content on this site is information of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. We advise seeking professional advice from a legal, financial, or other professional.

Contact us:

alex@daviesdavies.co.uk – Lettings Director (contact for lettings and property management)

mark@daviesdavies.co.uk – Sales Director (contact for sales, new homes and chartered surveying)

020 3820 2492

Davies & Davies Estate Agents, 85 Stroud Green Road, London, N4 3EG

Article & images by Barefaced Studios

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18 May 2023
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85 Stroud Green Road

Finsbury Park

London, N4 3EG

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Mon – Thurs: 0900 – 1815
Fri: 0900 – 1800
Sat: 1000 – 1600
Sun: Appointments by request





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